How Many 8-Counts Can I Fit?


We get this question all the time from coaches and choreographers. They have a routine length and want to map it out but are not sure how many 8-counts will fit. A worse situation is when a customer sends us their 8-counts sheets and we have to inform them that they have to cut some of their choreography because they can't fit that many in their time restraint.

There are two things to consider:

1. Time length - how long the routine can be.
2. Tempo - the Beats Per Minute (BPM) or speed of the mix. We usually mix around 145 BPM for an All Star group and may drop to 135 for a youth team. For more help with BPM, please see our "Metronome" on our FAQ/Tips page where you can listen to different beat tempos to see what works best for you.

We have provided a chart to make it easy for you to get an idea of how many 8-counts you can fit. Simply go to the "routine length" along the left vertical side and then choose your "tempo" along the top horizontal line. They will intersect at the number of 8 counts that should fit within that parameter. For example, a 2:30 mix at 145 BPM should max at 45 8-counts.

* Note, please include any intro or lingering ending boom effects in your time frame.

We hope this will help you to avoid any problems and map your routines with confidence that you will be safely within your time limit requirements.

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